Need advice on VERY cheap computer build.


Aug 15, 2016
I am trying to fly as low as possible here. I am a student but I really want a pc that can actually at least do something useful, instead of lagging on 480p youtube videos, like my current laptop does. We are looking at a 300 - 450 $ budget here.
Initial plan was
- Corsair Carbide 270R
- G4560
- 4GB DDR4 2400MHz Fury Ram
- GTX 1050
- one random 50 dollar 1151 mobo, even tho probably gigabyte something
- 450W Corsair PSU
- Drives I alredy have from a laptop.
Now the things have shifted, because amazon removed the G4560 in my country. So I am facing or a G4400 or an i3 8100 with an ASRock 90 B360 mobo that costs a crapton of money (for me). I never really explored AMD, but heard they don't have anything extremely budgety, + In my country Amazon doesn't have a lot of AMD processor options (I live in Italy, physical hardware stores are almost inexistant). I really wouldn't like to cheap out on PSU and case....
Any ideas?
I currently have a b350 board, 8gb ddr4 3200mhz, Amd ryzen 3 1200 and gtx 1050. It plays really well with full hd video playback and will run pretty much any game at 1080p with reduced settings. My computer has an ssd so it boots in about 30 seconds. The overall feel of the computer is really snappy due to the fast ram and ssd. The modest amount of ram and 4 cores allow the computer to multitask well. It can do just about anything decently well and games well. I have heard the ryzen 2200g with 2gb or vram devoted to it performing well in 1080p gaming. You want fast ram with ryzen and the built in gpu benefit from speedy Ddr4. Intel cpu tend to be better at gaming then comparable priced ryzen chips. For editing, real work, and...
Well, I don't know about your country but usually I would recommend looking for a bundle to save costs. In lieu of that, for around $400US you could get an A-320 or B350 AMD board (50-60), and a Ryzen 3 2200G ($100) which has a surprisingly capable graphics chip on the CPU. Get a decent uATX case, a Corsair PSU and some ram, and you're in business.
Meanwhile you can save for a video card and still play a few games. You'll have a brand new platform you can grow with.
H310 and G5400 replaces the G4560 and older motherboard. But the B360 is the better option for that little difference.

Ryzen 2200G and B350 will run without the 1050, performs like a 1030 using the APU. These like dual channel ddr4 and higher speeds though.
I currently have a b350 board, 8gb ddr4 3200mhz, Amd ryzen 3 1200 and gtx 1050. It plays really well with full hd video playback and will run pretty much any game at 1080p with reduced settings. My computer has an ssd so it boots in about 30 seconds. The overall feel of the computer is really snappy due to the fast ram and ssd. The modest amount of ram and 4 cores allow the computer to multitask well. It can do just about anything decently well and games well. I have heard the ryzen 2200g with 2gb or vram devoted to it performing well in 1080p gaming. You want fast ram with ryzen and the built in gpu benefit from speedy Ddr4. Intel cpu tend to be better at gaming then comparable priced ryzen chips. For editing, real work, and multithreaded apps you want a ryzen. for about $450 you can get this pc. 2tb hdd and a 128gb ssd to keep price down. no os but you can find windows really cheap on ebay. a lot of the parts here are simmilar (if not identical) to what i have and like. [PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant](

**CPU** | [AMD - Ryzen 3 2200G 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor]( | $98.89 @ Amazon
**Motherboard** | [Gigabyte - GA-AB350-GAMING 3 ATX AM4 Motherboard]( | $76.98 @ Newegg
**Memory** | [ADATA - XPG GAMMIX D10 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory]( | $89.99 @ Amazon
**Storage** | [Kingston - A400 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive]( | $28.99 @ B&H
**Storage** | [Seagate - Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive]( | $59.39 @ OutletPC
**Case** | [NZXT - S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case]( | $70.46 @ Newegg Business
**Power Supply** | [Corsair - CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply]( | $42.98 @ Newegg
| *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $497.68
| Mail-in rebates | -$30.00
| **Total** | **$467.68**
| Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2018-09-12 20:22 EDT-0400 |