need advice on what to upgrade for an amd PC?


Sep 9, 2012
My current build is:
CPU= fx-4100 3.6 ghz (overclocked to 4.05ghz with a stock cooler.)
Motherboard= msi 970a-g46
Graphic Card- EVGA 550TI 1 gb VRAM
RAM= 8GB G-Skill 1333
Power supply= 650W corsair bronze
1080P gaming

This build have ran my games of choices with suberb performance(45-60fps) with low-mid setting in games like Bf3, Skyrim, Borderlands etc. But since the new games are releasing, I feel like it's time to upgrade.

On a fixed $300 budget.

I was thinking of getting a aftermarket cooler like the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO to overclock my Fx-4100 to 4.5 GHz and get a Powerful graphic card like the EVGA Gtx 760 which would reach under the $300 range. Or should I just upgrade my Cpu to something like a Fx-6300 or a Fx-6350 and get a lesser graphic card like a Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition 2GB or a GeForce GTX 660 2GB?
fx-6300 + 7870ghz sounds like the better route to me however if you can manage to get the fx-4100 overclocked to 4.5 it really would only be perhaps 10% less performance than a 6300 stock. you could then pair it with your bigger gpu. i guess it depends on if your cpu chip can handle the o/c or if you are unlucky in the silicon dept.
i would say get the hyper 212 and the 760. down the road maybe you can sell the fx4100 and upgrade to the fx6300. but with the 760... going from the 4100 to the 6300 will only be like 4-5fps at most. the jump from the 550ti to a 760 is going to be like 25fps.
I think selling the cpu and the GPU would grant me access to having enough money for a new cpu and therefore I can probably get the Gtx 760 with the fx-6350 or maybe even go for the octocore fx-8320. The only problem is that who is going to buy such old products?

25 fps seems very low to me since I mostly play Battlefield 4 on all low setting with basically 45-50 fps with lots of random stuttering which i believe is from the graphic card since my 550ti reaches 99-100% with the cpu reaches 60-70%. I feel like 25 fps isn't gonna make much of a difference, I was hoping to get the same fps as I was getting on low with high-ultra settings.

Personally I would grab the FX 6300 with an R9 270, just because I'd hate to have a bulldozer chip in my rig. However getting a Hyper 212 EVO and OCing the 4100 further (assuming the motherboard isn't having any issues - the MSI 970 boards aren't exactly known for phenomenal OC yields) and throwing in a GTX 760 will be a substantial upgrade from what you have.

I'd side with the FX 6300 and R9 270 route just because Vishera offers more consistent performance than Dozer, and I can see the FX 6300 lasting longer than a GTX 760. But the 4100 should be fine for now and you can always get a GTX 760 now and throw in an FX 6300 a year down the road if the 4100 proves to be an issue.

You will get a heck of a lot more than 25 FPS. The R9 270X is around 3x better than the 550 Ti, and that's not taking into account driver support for the newer titles.

That's what I thought about my GTX 560 when it was playing Crysis 2 maxed out @ 1080P with 60 fps. Now here's Battlefield 4 pushing me to low settings :pt1cable: (though it seems at least for mid-range cards BF4 craps on Nvidia cards while mid-range AMD cards perform like champs)
the 7870 and 270 are basically the same chip just rebranded and clocked a bit higher. depending on which is cheaper (7870ghz or 270x) is the route to go.

i agree going with a fx-6300 isnt going to give you a phenomenal improvement to fps (the gpu will give more) i'm not sure that you can oc much higher than you are already on that chip of yours and games like bf4 are a bit cpu heavy and can support multi-core so you may have an advantage on certain titles by upgrading the cpu.
Personally I got a huge performance boost going from bulldozer to piledriver (6200-8320). I'd say from personal experience I'd get a 6300 now and save up for a better GPU. A 270x would be good and would fit inside that budget too (ssddx's suggestion).

Thankyou very Much, I will be going with a FX-6350 just because it's on sale today and going for a powercooler R9 270X. Hopefully my case can fit that big beast.