Always max out your case fans. Don't have to be screamers, but YES. Depending on your case etc, sometimes the case fans are terrible and need replaced.
That said, before jumping in, read for a week or so. The sites listed below are more watercooling sections, but they have great Air cooling and OC sections.
I'll steer you to some more technical links, please spend a few days (DAYS) reading posts, searching, learning.
Great place, not wayyy over the top with uber WC guys.
Uber place, owned by one of the worls winning OC guys in the world. Not a place to post or ask questions by noobs, but an awesome place to learn.
Another good place to learn
The GURU of independant testing, worshipped by many.
Great places to buy WC stuff [...] e&Itemid=1
Hope it helps, see ya in a few days, get edumacated!
Take your time, learn and then ask specific questions. It's a journey, don't jump in and have all sorts of problems. I have seen it many many times.