Need advice upgrading my PC


Feb 25, 2014
So i bought this PC about two years ago on a limited budget. It has worked great but obviously i do need a better GPU as i only have a 750ti in it. I can play games but FPS isn't steady and sometimes i do get big drops which makes game play unplayable for a couple of seconds or so. The MB is needed as two slots in it gave out. One day they were working and the next day they weren't. The MB still works and all, but i been told my RAM isn't getting full use cause of how i have had to place them. So i need a new MB and a new GPU.

Here is the speccy link for my system, any advice welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!

Hold of for how long? I was hoping to also buy some games i been looking forward to playing.

RAM? The RAM sticks i have are good but not getting full use because of how i had to place them in the mobo. Or should i upgrade them to something newer/better?
Ah true. Just figured that you may need ddr4 if getting a new cpu as well, therefore forcing a ddr3 to ddr4 swap, because the upgrades available on that mobo for the cpu wouldn’t get you much better performance. So maybe a new cpu+mobo+Ram. But if not changing cpu, you’re fine

Well i am total noob which is why i am here asking for advice. My thinking was i would get a decent mobo with a very good GPU which would hopefully sustain me for another year or two. After that upgrade the CPU and mobo and hopefully be able to still use the GPU. Viable?

Also looking to buy a new monitor. Something in the 25 inches or so.
You actually have quite a good CPU, the i5-4690K is still very respectful. So, if you need a new motherboard, you need a Z97 if you want to overclock (which you can with your CPU), otherwise get a slightly cheaper H97. As for the RAM, it says you have 8GB single channel....if your RAM is 2X4GB, then it's a simple case of move one of them to another slot to get dual channel.

As already mentioned, now is a bad time to be buying a new GPU, or even a decent used one. However your old 750ti is way too little for the power of the CPU, it should've had a 970 or 980.
I did buy this CPU to overclock it but have yet to do so. I would need a guide for noobs to do so i think. The RAM is that way cause the other 2 channels burned out some how. One day all was working fine, the next day they weren't.

Well the 750ti was bought when i had a way older PC. I believe it was the best GPU it could handle, or so that is what i was told. Once i built this PC i kept using it and it worked okay. Thing is the games i used to play have all had big graphic updates and i have had to lower the settings to get decent FPS without major drops.

Yeah that seems to be the answer from most. To wait to get a GPU cause costs have gone up due to crypto or something along those lines.