Need advice with RAM upgrade please!


Oct 9, 2017
HI guys
I need advice with my gaming PC. AT the moment i have 2 x 4GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 2133Mhz. I really want to upgrade my system with more RAM as I run alot of apps with my games. To get to the point, i got a crazy good deal for a 1 x 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 2133Mhz RAM. Would it be compatible in my system or would it give problems?

My CPU is a Core I5-6600 with a Asus b150-m motherboard.
your motherboard only supports max 64GB of ram means 4x16GB @1866(O.C.) MAX
and if you are already running the 2133Mhz ram on it then the 16gb one will work too

Okay awesome, then i will buy it, thanks alot my friend!