Need an advice on graphics card


Jul 10, 2013
Hi guys

Since im new to this forum ill get directly to the point:

My Computer specs:

AMD athlon II X2 260 3.2 ghz
gigabyte 78LMT-S2PT motherboard
Gskill ripjawsx 1600Mhz 1x 4GB ram
viewsonic 18.5" monitor (1366 x 768)

I need to play games uptill 2012 with medium settings max as im nt a hardcore gamer (FPS mainly like Bioshock, GTA 4, Max Payne 3 etc). Since my processor is an old one and i bought it recently only for home purpose , I would need an advice on which graphics card would be best suitable for me. My budget is around $100 max

Appreciate quick response :)


@lxxjordan23xxl thanks man for a fast response ... yeah PSU is not a issue ill get a 400W ... but 7750 is a new card wont there be any compatibility issue?...

I did a quick search and it says you have a PCI-e 2.0 x16 slot (same for me) so unless I am wrong it should work no problem. Let me know if I am :)
@lxxjordan23xxl Well i hope it works out fine :)... my first choice was this card too but all the reviewers were talking bout too high resolution which obv my monitor cant support... so will there be a need for this card?... srry to be so penny saving coz im getting this from my pocket money so will ddr3 of 6670 will be the same performance or lower? or any other u may suggest?

The 7750 beats the 6670 in every way is considerably faster and requires less power. I play at 1360x768 and have no problems with games at high settings but considering your CPU is alot less powerful than mine you will need the 7750 to pick up the slack. The 6670 is cheaper but also slower.
@lxxjordan23xxl then 7750 it is.... Guess ill order it soon so that no more confusion arises. Wish i could play halo3 on pc... and half life 3 is still a dream as far as valve is concerned... why do these companies do such things 🙁

Yeah it really sucks lol, also just wanted to say that the next $100 you have available to use should go toward a new CPU like the Phenom II X4 965 since it should give an even better performance boost in the games you listed.
@lxxjordan23xxl i hope my pocket money increases this christmas 😉.. will definetily go for that cpu.... or can upgrade my entrie specs on thanksgiving sale which would save me atleast 40%