Need best Motherboard compatible with XEON E5-1660V2


Sep 28, 2014
Hi there, i am a fx artist, i have bought a xeon e5 1660v2 processor and have got a gigabyte GA-6PXSV1 - 00 MOTHERBOARD but i am not satisfied with the performance that i am getting from it, could someone suggest me with a better motherboard, and do i have to have a server motherboard or a desktop motherboard.
Hi GhislainG thanks for your prompt response

let me tell you about my PC configuration:
Processor: Xeon E5- 1660v2
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA - 6PXSV1-00/GBe/604Chipset/Socket2011/Audio/SAS/SATA
SSD: Intel® SSD 530 Series
Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
POWER SUPPLY: Seasonic 750W Active PFC F3
CABINET: Chembro Tower Chassis EATX/ATX Server MB

but when i did the simulation on a different machine it came to be some what same time. The other machine had a XEON E5 - 1650 Processor.

I think the Motherboard that i have is an old one.

Is a server board better that a Desktop board?
That's a good motherboard and I doubt a new motherboard will improve performance significantly unless other components also are replaced. If components in both systems basically are the same, then your system should be slightly faster because of the faster processor. What are the specs of the other system? Same SSD, video card and 32GB memory modules as yours? I presume your Intel SSD connected to a SATA 6Gb/s port.
but what is better a server board or a desktop board?
i am confused because in a desktop board there are more features than a server board.

A server motherboard is designed to achieve maximum stability because crashes usually are unacceptable. While a desktop motherboard sometimes offers more features, it isn't faster when using the same Xeon CPU. Using fast non-ECC RAM on a desktop motherboard can provide a slight boost, but that's about it. That's why I asked is both systems were identical. Personnally I'd keep that motherboard because a slight performance gain for less stability may not be worth it.
Hi GhislainG

the other PC's config is

Processor: E5 - 16650
Motherboard: DX79TO
Ram: 16GB Non ECC Kingston
PowerSupply: 600W Sea Sonic
Graphic Card: MSI NVIDIA 670 GTX
Cabinet: Lan Boy Air

but this one also take about the same time to render the images, where as the first PC's config is higher that this one.
You didn't provide part numbers, but does the RAM in both systems operate at the same speed? Are you using ECC or Registered ECC RAM? You could get another motherboard and non ECC RAM, but don't expect a major performance improvement. Have you found benchmarks using your software and similar systems? When you compared both systems, did you run a test that only took a few minutes or several hours?