Need better WiFi in basement


Aug 2, 2015
I have a wireless router in a second floor room. Unfortunately, that router can't be moved due to the location of the cable modem. We have an Ethernet cable that goes from that router to a basement office so that a work PC there can always have a solid connection. The WiFi in the basement is very spotty.

My question is - what can I add to the network to improve the WiFi in the basement so that I can use the internet with other devices aside from the work PC?

Can I make use of the ethernet cable that is already running to the basement and add another router or some access point? The key thing is that the work PC must still remain with a wired Ethernet cable.

Any suggestions on the setup or what to purchase will be appreciated.





You can use any standard wireless router and configure it as an access point, connect it to the Ethernet cable in the basement and still maintain a wired connection to your PC.

Edit for clarity.