Need Expert Opinions To Help With My New Build


Dec 17, 2013
I purchased a new computer for Christmas 2013 and would like expert advice about where my weak points are in the system so I can upgrade in the near future. Here is my list of parts:

Case: Rosewill Thor V2 full tower
Motherboard: Asus Z87 Pro
Proc: Intel 4670K
CPU Cooling: Corsair H55 watercooler
Ram: G-skill 12GB 1333
Video: EVGA 770 Superclocked w/ ACX cooling (I have an EVGA GTX 460 that I can use for physix if I upgrade my PSU. Will it help?)
PSU: Antec Earthwatts 750
SSD: Samsung 840 Evo 256GB
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate

I do plan to overclock using Asus 4-way Optimization. I use the computer to game (Saints Row 4, Starcraft 2, Skyrim, and whatever else).

ya, the H55 is.. cheap... i would suggest getting a H80i, or H100i soon though.
Thanks for the answers everyone. I have a 212 Evo that I can put in. Will it really be better than the H55?

I have a Drobo 5N with 7TB. I don't need any internal HDDs.

ya, the H55 is.. cheap... i would suggest getting a H80i, or H100i soon though.

Id say they will be similar with maybe the 212 being a little better when overclocking.

As far as the drobo i dont see anything about it having usb support . Are you planing on pxe booting over the network?

Is it currently set to raid 10?