Need graphic card under 5000


Mar 4, 2013
want to buy graphic card under 5000 and i don;t want to upgrade my psu it's local 230w psu what shoud i get
Tell in what value youre talking about. And if you can tell in euros and dollars and pounds so more can understand.
Ill tell in euros now.
sub 100 - hd 7750
bit more than 100 - hd7770
150 - gtx 650ti
less than 200 - hd 7850
250 (less) - 7870
.... ( not knowing gap)
1000 - gtx titan 😉
If 5000 (something) is less than hd7750 than just take some cheap nvidia 630/640
Thats mine choice; from others it might be diffrent.
i have purchased his 6670 ddr 5 1gb ,, it cost me 5600rs.. now my graphic card goes from 60 to 70 degree C(while gaming). it's because of my new sound card it's ASUS - Xonar DG 5.1 ,, i have simple cabinet ,, can this type of heat from my graphic card can damage my sound card if yes what should i do..