Need Heatsink Suggestions


Jul 24, 2017
hey -- I have the following:

ASRock H110-DGS, with an i7-770k

Initially it ran great outta the box, but now's running around mid-90s when play CIV 6.

Wondering if a new heatsink would solve this, but not sure what to get on a less than 50 dollar budget.

Any help is appreciated -- kinda miffed it started borking out on me.

Right now using intel stock that came with machine....

When look at stats on my machine the chip is i7-7700k....the heatsink is branded sure it's stock for the chip..

But is what came with it.
Then your computer shop duped you, it might even be opened box. As there is NO Intel stock cooler designed for i7-7700k that's why the cooler can not keep up with the heat output. Get a cheap aftermarket one like the one I listed.

Of the ones above, which, in your opinion, is the best -- or pretty much all the same?