need help about my fury x


Feb 10, 2014
so i just got fury x and i tried to use regular case fan screws to put the water cooling fan on the case which because of that i damaged some fins of the rad in the corners. now im worried since the fins of the rad are so fragile are the pipes of the rad fragile as well? please i need help
Exactly. The fins themselves don't have any fluid in them, they just transfer heat from the pipes, if you destroyed all of the fins and the pipes were intact you wouldn't leak, though you wouldn't cool much either ;-).

what if the fin in front detaches will it cause a leak?
Depends on what you mean, the fins are generally soldered to the outside of the pipes, they don't penetrate them. So, having one come loose wouldn't cause a leak, though it would impact the cooling/heat transfer of the radiator.

but it wont cause a leak right? because this is what happened


the circles are where you place the screws and the red X is where i broke the fins

so in otherwords i dont need to worry because the pipes are mate from strong metal and since i bent 3 fins it wont cause a leak?
Exactly. The fins themselves don't have any fluid in them, they just transfer heat from the pipes, if you destroyed all of the fins and the pipes were intact you wouldn't leak, though you wouldn't cool much either ;-).