Need Help - Already Troubleshooted - No display


Dec 22, 2013
Hello everyone! I'll cut right to the chase, here is my issue with all the troubleshooting details as well. I am going to go in order, so please excuse my long winded(ness) and also my slight incompetence with technology lol.

The issue started yesterday: Turned off computer at the end of the night like I do every night, and when I woke up and turned on my computer it just kept restarting and I had a black screen on my monitor. The monitor never turned itself on.

First though was RAM. Re-seeded them individually and after a couple different things both worked again! Computer turned on with no issue.

Turned off at the end of the night and woke up today, same issue.. computer keeps restarting with no display.

Tried the same steps, didn't work.. bought some compressed air and cleaned entire computer, re-seeded ram in different slots individually one at a time, still didn't work..same issue. Constant restarting and no display.

Removed graphics card, computer completely starts but no display (makes sense I suppose). No restarts! Progress!

Put GPU in different slot, back to original issue... so this tells me GPU or PSU? It should be noted I've had this computer with ZERO issues for over 2 years now.

My biggest fear is motherboard, but the fact that it completely started without the GPU (just no display) tells me its the GPU.. expensive 🙁

Also, I plugged my HDMI cable into the top of my computer marked HDMI (the only one not the GPU slot), and still no display..

So again, after everything I've done my issue is now: The computer starts, but I have no display. And the comptuer only fully starts with the graphics card unplugged. Also, I believe when the graphics card is seeded (but not plugged in with the 2 connectors) it fully starts as if it wasn't installed. Could that mean anything?

I'm basically torn between buying a new PSU or GPU.. since I'm so dumb at this stuff I'll probably just buy the exact same part I already have, just new?

GPU is Nvidia EVGA GTX570HD
PSU is Toughpower XT Thermaltake 875W

Thanks for any help you can provide!
No idea, man. It does sound like you've got any one of three pricy parts that could be at fault. But the worst would be mobo. If you have no display at all from just the mobo, then... Easiest thing to check would be power supply singe graphics card is already out. Pick up or borrow a proper Antec VP450 or similar (use a GOOD brand)

Maybe some folks on here are near you and have spare parts you can try...