Need help building a gaming computer. $1500 budget


Feb 11, 2015
I want it to run on max settings. I posted a similar thread with some of my parts but now I just want different opinions on what you guys would go for.

Would like reliable good parts and a system that could run games on ultra.
And this will run the latest games in ultra?

And once I finish the build I install the os and that's it? Or do I have to mess around with the parts in bios?

Also just one request from your build could you upgrade the power supply on to like a 700 one please. Oh and I don't need an os.
This will run all the lastest games I can think of on ultra ( not saying all because some games are insane ) if you are confident building a pc all you need to do it put it together, turn it on and install windows, you do not need to mess around with anything in bios, and if you are it is recommended that you an advanced user ( for most things ). The only things you could add is a network card and some more case fans.

Also may I ask why you want a 700w psu?

( I would also install windows on the ssd )
Rog go suck a fat one.

And well I thought a 700w would be a bit better to keep it running smoother lol... I'm a noob but hey as long as it runs most games in ultra I'm good
Also what do you mean more fans, would it be too much of a bother if you can include them all on the list ? I would hate to pick one that does not work with that case. I like your build and plan on buying it and building it next week when they arrive.
You do not need a bigger psu than your computer can use, sticking a 2000w in your computer won't make it any faster, just make your computer less
power efficient. For the case fans I can't really tell you, I am not totally sure if the case comes with many, but if it doesn't the case does have slots for them and the are very easily installed.
This question doesn't come by often, but do you have any colors in mind? Like, would you prefer a black/white case with black/white components or do you really have no preference regarding the looks of your computer? You can do quite a lot with that budget.