Need help building a portable gaming pc.

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May 31, 2015
I want to build a cheap portable gaming pc (mainly because my laptop is crap) but I am having trouble finding small cases for a low cost. Im planning to build a computer that can play csgo at 60fps and maybe bf4 at low to medium at 720p.
Can anybody give me any suggestions?
Well, the size you are looking for does not come awfully cheap, but not terrible either.

Here are some options

Azza CSAZ 105 (this one is the suitcase type case you linked)

Azza CSAZ 103

Silverstone Raven rvz01

The problem with trying to find a case this size is most of them are complete pre built systems, or they are barebones systems that come bundled with a bunch of components which decreases customization of...
By small I mean like something that I could put in a backpack (That one may be impossible). Or something that is kind of like this A sort of suit case like thing.
Well, the size you are looking for does not come awfully cheap, but not terrible either.

Here are some options

Azza CSAZ 105 (this one is the suitcase type case you linked)

Azza CSAZ 103

Silverstone Raven rvz01

The problem with trying to find a case this size is most of them are complete pre built systems, or they are barebones systems that come bundled with a bunch of components which decreases customization of your build and upgradability, and increases price.

I go on a trip to maine maybe 4-5 times a year and I stay for 2-3 weeks and i am tired of playing on my stupidly bad laptop while i am there, (playing csgo on my laptop lowest settings 640x480 resolution= 30-50 fps) so not something that i carry around every day just something that dosent look stupid, because bringing my mid tower desktop to my grandparents house is not going to look cool.
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