Need help buying laptop ;)

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Jun 19, 2017
Im buying a second hand laptop on Ebay UK that at least has a dedicated gpu.My budget is 200-300 pounds.I know this is not much but i dont need the highest settings and resolutions.I have bought one in the past for 200 that came with a GT420M(You would be surprised the games it can play..)Any way im trying to find one for my brother so we can play a few games because his is very old now.I know a bit about computers but the naming of GPUS are so annoying,some look like they will be better when they are actually older cards...etc
The thing is i always thought intel 3000,4000...etc were rubbish but then i see some people saying that some nvidia cards are sometimes worse that intel ones.Im confused and i dont want to mess up.
I have my eyes on two at the moment a Lenovo z50-70(i7-4510u,Nvidia 820M)
then the Lenovo Ideapad Y570(i7 2620M,Nvidia 555M)
Wich one is better?Is the 820M like an intel 4000?as i saw someone say.

Any help would be apreciated and if anyone would like to look for one to help me out please look on Ebay uk and make sure its got a dedicated gpu.Thanks people!
Question from camthemanzx : "Different Laptop GPUs"

If YouTube videos are your main source of information then it's best you read through some articles and reviews. If the choice is between the two you've listed, then I'd suggest going for the Lenovo Z50-70 as it's a latter generation laptop. Mind you, what sort of games and tasks are we talking about?

Ok thanks,any other budget gpus i could be looking out for?I play all types of games,Indies,csgo,Civ5,mostly games that just look fun.If theres any AA games i would like i just use a console so for them games its ok.
Question from camthemanzx : "Need Help With Suggestions And Buying"

Yeh the laptop looks good but i dont know about the seller...hhmm?
And intel cards are wierd,because i always thought they are worse than dedicated gpus,so like i never believe they can game like an nvidia one.
Other thing,isnt the 920m newer than the 550m?

Question from camthemanzx : "Different Laptop GPUs"

Don't get lost in the minutia of the numbering system ... it doesn't convey what you think it does. The 980 for example is closer to the 1060 than it is the 1080


When looking at gaming performance, cores don't com into play much .. when you look at how many fps it gets, cores, series, efficiency are not really relevant/. The 1060 mobile GPU is faster than the 980 mobile GPU

1. Go to

2. Select the two GPus from the ranking list

1060 laptop = 33
980M = 51

3. Click the restrict button

Or if looking at the GPUs in the OP

The 820m ranks 370, the 550m is off the charts meaning it is so old its been archived

550M -
820m -
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