Need help, Can't Boot past BIOS


Oct 5, 2015
My Specs are;
Asus X99 Rampage V Extreme
16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 2800
Intel i7 5960X
2 x Asus 980 Matrixs in SLI
Samsung SM951 512GB M.2 ACHI
2 x Corsair 512GB Force LX SSD

I updated by bios to the latest for windows 10 64bit before I went to fresh install windows 10 but using the Ez USB flash update option in the bios, now I can't load into windows and it take about 5 mins to get into bios as it stays at the ROG logo screen, I have looked in my bios and I don't have anything like slow boot on also I can't force boot into any of my drives, I've tried booting into the second bios chip but even less luck there as it wont even boot at all I can't load any bootable USB's and of windows for recovery I also can't find my M.2 drive in bios at all anymore, at the moment my computer is now useless any help on what the problem is or how to fix it?

I took my pc apart and put it back together again at the time to see if there was anything not completely plugged in and have tried to update my BIOS again but same problem still, I will try see if that BIOS recovery works!

Yeh that's how I normally update my BIOS but this time something has just went wrong, and I don't know what. My boot used to take less then 10 seconds from pressing the button to get into the bios now it's like 5 mins and no matter what I do I can't boot any drive or bootable media

Would it be possible to get a replacement even if I won the computer in a competition? I'm sure the motherboard will be in warranty just I don't have the papers that came with it