Hello this is my first time using this site so sorry if I don't sound too knowledgeable when it comes to computer's and their parts!(cause i'm not )
Right, basically i'm 18 and want to upgrade from my intel Pentium inspiron laptop.(terrible I know).
My main priority is gaming, whereas I want to be able to do my uni work on it as i'm going to uni next year. By uni work I simply mean word documents etc I'm pretty sure all computers can do this anyways?
Right I get paid tomorrow and my budget is about £800-900.
From looking around this is how I see it so far(bear in mind I barely know the basics)....
I am looking for..
Intel i5(I can't afford i7)
Preferably a dual core?(heard this is better than quad core for gaming?)
3+ GHz(this is essential to run the latest games, right?)
1TB of hard drive(don't really understand why this is important but apparently this is the recommendation)
6-10GB of RAM?
And I've looked into graphics cards and honestly don't understand them at all. I've found plenty of computers without built in graphics cards and all the specs above and better for around £800, but as soon as its one with a graphics card it soars up in price? is it cheaper to buy one with really good specs then buy an external graphics card?
But yeah, I'd really appreciate any advice, and when someone does reply, please try and explain everything simply as quite honestly I don't understand when people throw about numbers and systems without explaining them in the simplest terms. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope someone can help!
Right, basically i'm 18 and want to upgrade from my intel Pentium inspiron laptop.(terrible I know).
My main priority is gaming, whereas I want to be able to do my uni work on it as i'm going to uni next year. By uni work I simply mean word documents etc I'm pretty sure all computers can do this anyways?
Right I get paid tomorrow and my budget is about £800-900.
From looking around this is how I see it so far(bear in mind I barely know the basics)....
I am looking for..
Intel i5(I can't afford i7)
Preferably a dual core?(heard this is better than quad core for gaming?)
3+ GHz(this is essential to run the latest games, right?)
1TB of hard drive(don't really understand why this is important but apparently this is the recommendation)
6-10GB of RAM?
And I've looked into graphics cards and honestly don't understand them at all. I've found plenty of computers without built in graphics cards and all the specs above and better for around £800, but as soon as its one with a graphics card it soars up in price? is it cheaper to buy one with really good specs then buy an external graphics card?
But yeah, I'd really appreciate any advice, and when someone does reply, please try and explain everything simply as quite honestly I don't understand when people throw about numbers and systems without explaining them in the simplest terms. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope someone can help!