Need help choosing graphics


Dec 15, 2015
Hey, i am from India and I need help choosing my graphics card..
My current build includes a Intel DH55TC Motherboard with Intel i3 530@ 2.93Ghz
I have 2x2gb of transcend 1333mhz ram
The pc is five years old and I want to extend it's life for at least another 5 years.. So I decided to upgrade the ram and get a graphics card for some gaming. I have decided on getting the corsair vengeance 2x4gb kit and slot them along with my existing ram chips. Totalling the ram to 12 gb.. I will eventually change the. Transcend chips to corsair too a year later or so.
The build does not contain a graphics card currently and I was thinking of getting the gigabyte geforce gt730 ddr5 2gb 64bit card but many believe it to be under powered for my needs. My monitors resolution is 1600:900 and I want to play just cause 2 and 3 and gta 4 and 5 at 720p at 30fps+. Can someone please help... FYI I'm ok with playing jc3 at low settings if its fps is playable thanks
R7 250x has 2 gig, although there are some versions with 1 also. For your budget you can go up a bit over the 250x, depends on your case and power supply though. R7 360 is a good pick for your budget, but if you have a low power system then you may need to go with a GTX 750 or 750 Ti which use less power but are not quite as good for speed and price.
I have no idea about availability or where to buy from in India, but R7 360 series are pretty good value in your price range. I also want to point out that when you mix RAM speeds and brands, they can sometimes conflict and BSOD your computer. Granted, the 8gb's you're already getting will be plenty for those games.