Need Help Choosing NEW PC


Sep 20, 2015
Alright, I am currently using a Acer X1200 and wanted to upgrade. I was looking around at all the Gaming PCS and decided I'm going to buy one, but I need help picking the right one. I am preferably looking for a PC that has OS Windows 10 Pre-Installed, Comes with a monitor, and Runs CS:GO at 60+ FPS while Recording? My price is range is $400 - $700. I am not well known with computers when it comes to SPECS that is why I came here looking for help. Please Reply with any suggestions

I don't think we can offer that advise as pre-built PCs are notorious for hiding specs and the actual parts they use so there is now way in judging performance.

That is why we build.

Well do you or well anyone thats reading this know a good custom build? for around that price range?