I am a battlefield fan and was wondering what a good choice would be for a graphics card. Im hearing a lot of things about the price drop on nvidea cards. I was thinking about getting an nvidia 770. Im not sure though weather its compatible with what i have(motherboard).
Also, I would like to ask, for those battlefield fans out there, if the windows 8 is alot better for the game or not. I have heard that with the new direct x that you can get roughly 10 fps more than windows 7.
Im pretty sure that this is my moterboard
I was thinking about getting this card
I am a battlefield fan and was wondering what a good choice would be for a graphics card. Im hearing a lot of things about the price drop on nvidea cards. I was thinking about getting an nvidia 770. Im not sure though weather its compatible with what i have(motherboard).
Also, I would like to ask, for those battlefield fans out there, if the windows 8 is alot better for the game or not. I have heard that with the new direct x that you can get roughly 10 fps more than windows 7.
Im pretty sure that this is my moterboard
I was thinking about getting this card