Need Help choosing what to buy


Nov 5, 2013
I am a battlefield fan and was wondering what a good choice would be for a graphics card. Im hearing a lot of things about the price drop on nvidea cards. I was thinking about getting an nvidia 770. Im not sure though weather its compatible with what i have(motherboard).
Also, I would like to ask, for those battlefield fans out there, if the windows 8 is alot better for the game or not. I have heard that with the new direct x that you can get roughly 10 fps more than windows 7.
Im pretty sure that this is my moterboard
I was thinking about getting this card

I agree with Avro Arrow.
But, No Radeon HD cards will support AMD's Mantle, Only the R-200 Cards will.

I do have to say that AMD isn't the best on drivers or optimized CPUs.
But i think with the new Mantle API, the driver issue would be fixed because developers can directly program FOR the hardware.

So, If i was you, i would go for the R9 280X or 270X.

Think about it... In like 6 months your sittin there with ya GTX 770, and you start hearing about AMD's mantle. that even a R9-270X is getting 70 fps on Utra on BF4 with a 4k screen (little over done) because of mantle.

Here are the scores of all them graphics cards.

R9-290(non X) --- $405
GTX 770 --- $340
R9-280X --- $300
The 770 is a brilliant GPU and is worth buying but if you have a big budget you could get something
like the 780,690 or even a Titan. Also i play bf3 on Windows 8 and it performs really well.
So do you think what I have would work with the new graphics card?
I really dont think i have the budget for a titan or 780.
I need a PCI 16x. So would that card work?
Honestly, the GeForce GTX 770 is a good card but BF4 is optimised for Radeon cards and uses mantle. Once mantle is implemented, you can expect Radeon cards to leave GeForce cards in the dust when it comes to BF4. In my opinion, your best bet in that price range is the HD 7970. It comes with three free games as well. I got two HD 7970s for crossfire and I chose the following games:

Sleeping Dogs
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Tomb Raider 2013
Saints Row IV
Far Cry 3
Hitman: Absolution
To me, this alone makes the HD 7970 worth it, even if they were the same price.

The HD 7970 is also considerably less expensive:
MSI GeForce GTX 770 - $330 before rebate, $315 after rebate:
Powercolor Radeon HD 7970 - $290 before rebate, $260 after rebate:
You'll see that the HD 7970 scores a perfect 60fps while the GTX 770 scores a perfect 66fps. I say perfect to both because 60fps is considered to be perfectly fluid. To be honest, even 48fps looks perfectly fluid to the human eye. Keep in mind that these performance levels are not leveraging AMD mantle. Once BF4 has mantle enabled, the Radeon will be considerably faster than the GeForce. I can tell you that my crossfired cards perform flawlessly.
Battlefield 4 GPU Performance Chart:

So you'd be spending an extra $40-$50 for a 6fps advantage that you'd never see anyway.
i just read on this forum that the catalyst driver is causing alot of crashing.
To be honest Ive owned older Radeon cards and have had similar problems with drivers.
It just makes me wonder weather its the right choice

Yes, until recently there were problems. The new drivers that came out fixed that. Think about it, I'm using two Radeon HD 7970s in crossfire. If you go by what the forums say, I should be cursing ATi left and right from crashing and stuttering but I have experienced none of these. I'm using the new 13.11 beta drivers and my babies are performing perfectly with no issues at all. It's the same experience I had with my two HD 4870s which prompted me to go the crossfire route again. I couldn't be happier with them and I make my recommendation with a clear conscience. If I was having problems I would say so. Like when I was trying to get two Radeon HD 7870XTs to crossfire. The cards worked perfectly on their own but they would bring my system down if I crossfired them. I went through 4 cards with this problem and then decided to get the HD 7970s. I've had no problems whatsoever since that day.
I agree with Avro Arrow.
But, No Radeon HD cards will support AMD's Mantle, Only the R-200 Cards will.

I do have to say that AMD isn't the best on drivers or optimized CPUs.
But i think with the new Mantle API, the driver issue would be fixed because developers can directly program FOR the hardware.

So, If i was you, i would go for the R9 280X or 270X.

Think about it... In like 6 months your sittin there with ya GTX 770, and you start hearing about AMD's mantle. that even a R9-270X is getting 70 fps on Utra on BF4 with a 4k screen (little over done) because of mantle.

Here are the scores of all them graphics cards.

R9-290(non X) --- $405
GTX 770 --- $340
R9-280X --- $300
R9-270X --- $200

So its up, but make sure to go with the right card.
And do a lot of research.


1-1-14 EDIT: Haha i take that back. All Radeon HD 7xxx and R-200 cards will support AMD's mantle.
The 770 is a wonderful choice but if you have a higher budget i would wither get the 4gb edition or upgrade to the 780 either way you will be able to run bf4 on ultra with good frames with any of these cards 😀