Need Help Deciding


Jul 26, 2017
So, my current specs are as follows:

Intel i7 6700k 4.0 GHz (not OC)
16 Gbs of ram
Nvidia Geforce 960 gtx SSC
ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING LGA 1151(Could be wrong model?)

Anyways, I've been thinking about getting a 144hz monitor for all the games I consistently play and can actually get 144 fps on (Smite, Osu, CS GO) however, I feel the need to upgrade my graphics card while i'm at it. Only one dilemma, I have no clue what graphics card I should get that would best match my PC's performance, and I don't have 600 dollars to spend on a GTX 1080. Id most likely be looking at a 1060, but there are so many of them and I don't know which one to get... Any help is much appreciated, and if you need any more info feel free to ask an I'll do everything in my power to help get it for you. This was a pre-built PC cause I was too lazy and stupid to do the sensible thing of building one by hand.

Some of the questions I might have would include:

Do I need 2 fans on my graphics card?(Believe I have 4 fans in my pc as we speak not including my graphic card- No water cooling and 2 fans are stock)

Do i need 6GB of Vram on the card?

Is it worth buying a more expensive version of the 1060 or getting for example the 300 dollar MSI Armor 6GB version?

Hope you guys will be able to give me a better understanding of what to do because i'm certainly stuck at the moment. Thanks again!

My advice is get the 144Hz monitor and wait until something else happens in the GPU scene. AMD RX Vega is supposed to be announced next week and hopefully released soon as well. It could help bring prices back down but I'm not exactly counting on it.

If you were going to buy now, at this point the cheapest GTX 1060 6GB would be the one to recommend. 2 fans are preferable, but there is a single fan model (EVGA SuperClocked) that has a good cooler. 6GB isn't exactly needed for the games you mentioned, so you could get the 3GB model if you wanted. It's about 5-10% slower than the 6GB because it has less CUDA cores.

I wouldn't want to pay more than $300 for a GTX 1060 because MSRP and release price is $249. So there is reason to...

My advice is get the 144Hz monitor and wait until something else happens in the GPU scene. AMD RX Vega is supposed to be announced next week and hopefully released soon as well. It could help bring prices back down but I'm not exactly counting on it.

If you were going to buy now, at this point the cheapest GTX 1060 6GB would be the one to recommend. 2 fans are preferable, but there is a single fan model (EVGA SuperClocked) that has a good cooler. 6GB isn't exactly needed for the games you mentioned, so you could get the 3GB model if you wanted. It's about 5-10% slower than the 6GB because it has less CUDA cores.

I wouldn't want to pay more than $300 for a GTX 1060 because MSRP and release price is $249. So there is reason to wait another couple-few weeks to see if prices come back down.
so, what would it be like to say, play csgo at 144hz then go play cod at 60 hz... wouldnt that just make it feel awful? the 960 doesnt handle games well enough imo anymore but ive also just tampered with the idea of waiting entirely and just saving for an entire new rig in a few years thats real nice. However if I bought the 144hz now I could just save it for my new rig Im not sure, in a pickle. Id like to be able to play higher end games at max settings with 60-144fps but I usually never really spend money on games so a lot of them dont have any insane graphics to begin with...
Also, I read earlier today that if someone wasnt oc their cpu they shouldnt get a K model. I've got a 6700k, so is there any truth to that statement and even if there was, what would be the point of OCing my already overperforming cpu in comparison to my trashier gpu.
There wouldn't be much point to overclock your CPU, but I guess you could gain a few fps. The K series does come with higher stock clocks, so it's not exactly pointless if you aren't overclocking; plus you do have a Z series mobo just in case you do want to OC. Reason I say wait on the GPU is because I'd say you would want a GTX 1070 to play (not all, some) of the newest games at 144Hz. Or an RX Vega which 'hopefully' has better performance for the price than Nvidia in the high-end area.