Need Help determining the surface mounted capacitors I need to repair this Gigabyte gtx 1060 3gb

Aug 21, 2018

Hey all I just purchased a Gigabyte gtx 1060 3gb GV-N1060IXOC-3GD Graphics card that is in need of repair. Included are images of the card and the solder points on the board missing capacitors. I need figure out which surface mount capacitors I need to buy in order to replace the ones that broke off the LB502 and C903 solder points. The guy I purchased the card from said the card slammed onto a table or something and these resistors popped off. He sent it for an RMA and they couldn't repair it for him put did determine that it was these were the missing capacitors that needed to be replaced. I also I'm not sure if the solder pads are still there and how I should go about the repair. I do have soldering iron/hot-air station. Its not the highest quality tool but its still pretty much new. Any advice and insight you all have would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know if anyone would have access to that circuit board schematics.
By the way, even though those resistors look damaged, there could be damaged capacitors, or others chips that you might not be able to see by the naked eye.
You will have to know the resistor part number or its resistance, tolerance, power (Watts), composition, operating temperature, etc
Then head to this store to get the item you need.
Look at this guy channel so you have an idea what it take to fix a board.
Yeah I'm familiar and Subbed to rossman's channel. I also think I figured out I need new MLCC for those solder points and not resistors (I think) any advice for figuring out what I need without a schematic.
Ok so I think I determined C903 is supposed to have a size 0402 MLCC on that point. I still don't know what capacitance, Operating temps, etc. I need for it. I will try to test other 0402's and see if they are all similar capacitance and maybe I can determine that aspect but I still need methods of figuring out the other specs for the MLCC. Also I am no longer sure what LB502 needs because the code starts with LB. As far as I can tell the all the MLCC's are marked with C, all the resistor are marked with R, and there are black labeled components marked U. As far as I can tell this is the only point on the board marked with LB so I don't really have a frame of reference what component is needed here. Has anyone here had any success with calling or emailing board partners and asking them about specific replacement part information (specifically through gigabyte). That certainly seems like a long shot but I think it would be a damn shame to see a GPU missing only two really cheap components not be fixed.
Ok so I found a reference image of the back of the card on Newegg Here:
C903 is Definitively a MLCC however I'm not sure about LB502. To me it LB502 could either be a small MLCC, a chip resistor or something else entirely. Even though it's extremely blurry zoom in that far on the reference image I don't think it's a MLCC as the rest of the MLCC on the board are the same color as each other and the component in the image appears to be black or possibly a dark brown.
I did some research on PCB codes and I determined L usually represents an Inductor. I also have some anecdotal evidence that LB has been used on other PCB's to represent an indutor. Any insight on what inductor and MLCC I need or how to determine that would be greatly appreciated.