Need help diagnosing poor gaming performance


Mar 5, 2015
Hi, my PC has been performing poorly relative to its older years. I tend to lag in online games compared to offline games. What's odd is that the lag I'm getting is framerate related, not ping/connectivity related. If there's anyone that can help me figure out what's wrong, I'd really appreciate it.

Here's my user benchmark results:

Here's my speedtest results:


Well your SSD is full, 120GB with 19 GB free is FULL.

Fix that 1st.

I've checked the the temperature and everything seems fine. I have been playing low performance games like Team Fortress 2 and have been lagging while if I were to play something like Jurassic World evolution, it is smooth as butter. I'm guessing it is a problem with online games but I have good ping and fps.

Jankerson, I will try freeing up some space. Do you have any recommendation to how much space I should free up?

A LOT.... Like 30 GB more.

Both your drives have a lot of stuff on them.