Need Help Diagnosing The Problem


Feb 7, 2018
So I recently had a problem where my Computer would keep crashing when trying to render videos because my CPU would reach 98%.

I decided to open up My PC and to solve the problem, Well I've just created another one.

As you can probably tell I'm not amazing with hardware and with this custom built I generally don't go inside other than to reseat the Graphics card.

After trying to clean inside and touch a few things, I'm not sure what I exactly touched but it was the Graphics card, Hard drive and another thing called the "Cooler Master" which to me looks like underneath it is the CPU.

Once I plugged everything back in my Monitor would not receive any Signal anymore.

After taking out the wires back out the screws that the two connectors screw into fell out of the Graphics card however I managed to screw it back on.

The PC still boots and sounds like it's running fine.

The Fans still work properly on the Everything even the Graphics card.

I don't think it's the wire because everytime I try to plug it in my Monitor registers that I'm trying but then still says no signal.

Not sure where to start with what the problem is and whether it is a Motherboard issue
Graphics card
Something damaged
Something unplugged

Looking forward to hearing a response from anyone that can help

To begin with, the "coolermaster" thingy on top of the CPU is the cooler - if the fan is spinning, it is working correcty, so worry only if it stops.

I would recommend plugging in your monitor not directly to the GPU, but to the onboard graphics, which is located on the motherboard. (i suppose your PC has it, a CPU model number would be good to know, but not necessary). In other words, try using the PC without the graphics card, just CPU graphics. If this works - it means you may need to check and probably re-seat your graphics card. Tell us how this goes ^^
Since we can't see what you are looking at and what you "cleaned and touched" you should find a friend or someone local to you that can look at the system and check to make sure things are connected properly. You can try removing the video card and see if the system works OK with just the onboard video.
Thanks for the reply,

Unfortunately I don't have many tech savvy friends that can get to me.
I would take it to my local repair shop but everytime I take it there they charge me 160 Pounds to fix PC and I'm convinced that on occasions there is not much wrong with it.

I can take pictures and upload them if that would help diagnose the problem?
Is there a good website I can use to link it?

I'm convinced that it is the CPU,
I touched the cooler system that is directly above it.

I'm now worried that I might have damaged it, I'm hoping I just have not placed it properly.

Looking forward to a reply

To begin with, the "coolermaster" thingy on top of the CPU is the cooler - if the fan is spinning, it is working correcty, so worry only if it stops.

I would recommend plugging in your monitor not directly to the GPU, but to the onboard graphics, which is located on the motherboard. (i suppose your PC has it, a CPU model number would be good to know, but not necessary). In other words, try using the PC without the graphics card, just CPU graphics. If this works - it means you may need to check and probably re-seat your graphics card. Tell us how this goes ^^