Need help finding Mobo/Ram for a i7 8700k

May 20, 2018
Building my first decent computer with a i7 8700k and a 1070 FE, but i’m not sure which Mobo and Ram would go along with it.

I have a $350 budget to buy both of these parts, keeping the cost lower is better. I’d like a mobo that will last a few years aswell as the ram. Just want a mobo that will be atleast DECENT for overclocking the 8700k (And maybe some rgb on the motherboard, but that of course comes at a premium...).

Any Z370 mobo will be decent for overclocking.

Here's the cheapest (and will still get the job done.)
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: Gigabyte - Z370P D3 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($99.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($166.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $266.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-06-05 00:26 EDT-0400

Here's a better motherboard that might be better for overclocking. (more power phases, better vrm cooling, etc.)
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: ASRock - Z370 Extreme4 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($153.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($166.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $320.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-06-05 00:28 EDT-0400

Thank you for your reply, i’m going to go with the second option but I have a question.

Do you think the ram will fit if I use a Dark Rock Pro 4 cooler?
Probably not gonna fit without raising the front fan up on the cooler, which you would need sufficient case clearance for that.

I really prefer Corsair Vengeance LPX because it's low profile and better quality memory. I would have recommended it first but you said cheaper is better.

Alright, I found this:

Thankfuly it has a $10 off, but this leaves me with $60-$70 to find a new air/water cooler.

I just don’t like the looks of Noctua.

Thanks for your help.

Would it be ok to go for a cheaper air cooler? (Like $30-$40) But would these cheaper ones still keep the 8700k cool? I’m really breaking the budget and I need a new case...

Every penny counts right now.

Alright, i’m going to need some help here in a minute... Let me tell you whats in my cart....


So my budget is EXACTLY $768.12 US

And in my cart is the following...


- $10




So my total comes up to $774.45

But I need $768.12.... Hardly overbudget.

Now I don’t know what I should get rid of or downgrade to make my budget fit.

Sorry for making you my accountant...
Lose the MX4 thermal paste. The cooler comes with a tube. The MX4 is good and it might get you 1-2C lower temps, but if you can't afford it the Cryorig thermal paste will do fine.

And honestly if your not streaming the i5-8600K is a great gaming CPU. It would free up your budget for anything you may want.

But it's up to you. i7-8700K is a good investment.

I was going to go with the 8600k, but later on i’m going buy some extra stuff, once I get more spending money i’ll get a nicer case and an ssd, and maybe some fancy rgb stuff or whatever.

Thank you for your help, can’t wait to order it.

Hi, are you currently there?

Ok, so I’m trying to instal the cryorg R1 into my case, but it most likely wont fit since 1 fan sticks out due to ram. Is it ok to take off 1 fan?

This is prolly stupid but can I just move the ram to the last slots? (I have a Asus Prime z370A) But I think that disables dual channel.
What RAM did you get? You should have gotten the Corsair Vengeance LPX beacuse it is low profile so the fan can hang over it; or you should have gotten the R1 Universal because it has the thin front fan so it doesn't hang over the RAM.

Anyways, I guess you didn't do either of those.

You can move the front fan up IF your case has room to allow the front fan to stick up over the cooler. OR you can remove the fan and lose some cooling performance. OR you can move the fan to the back of the cooler (if your motherbaord and case allows it to fit) and also lose some but not as much cooling performance.

Moving the RAM to the front two slots will disable dual-channel and is not recommended. I'd rather lose some cooling performance.

*Moving the front fan up some to allow room for the RAM is the best option. Just slide it up on the heatsink enough for the RAM to fit.


Alright, we have to use 1 fan instead of 2, but I suppose I can use it as a case fan since I only have 2. The cooler wont fit witg the other fan adjusted up. But I think everything should be fine.


Will do, would it be alright to just plug it into one of the cpu fan plug ins?

Yeah that would be fine.

Hi, do you have skype or something, so I can message you a few things quickly/ share photos?