Hello, I need help finding the parts to upgrade my laptop. I don't know what I need to be able to upgrade without destroying my laptop. My budget is under 500 dollars. I am trying to get my laptop to support 16 ram without having to buy a 1000 dollar new pc.
Here are the specs
hp notebook
Processor: AMD A10-8700P Radeon R6, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G 1.80GHz
Installed Ram: 8.00 GB (7.45GB used)
64bit operating system x64 based processor
Here are the specs
hp notebook
Processor: AMD A10-8700P Radeon R6, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G 1.80GHz
Installed Ram: 8.00 GB (7.45GB used)
64bit operating system x64 based processor