Need help finding the perfect Monitor? OLED/LCD


Dec 13, 2016
I'm almost complete on a list of parts for my new 2017 1080p Gaming Pc. But the one thing I've had problems with for a lot of time is the monitor. The price doesn't matter(but, cheaper is always better) as long as it meets the criteria:

I'm a big movie fan, so the color range should be as "wide" as possible and black should be black(I'm aiming here at OLED If I'm not wrong).
I'm a gamer, but I'd rather have the perfect 1080p monitor for watching movies than to play games on, but 1ms response time and 60Hz refresh rate wouldn't be bad (if possible)
Upon informing myself online I've found out that 21.5" Is the perfect monitor size for 1080p resolution (roughly said, the image is super sharp at that size and res.), assuming this is correct I'm looking for a 21.5" inch monitor, if this is not correct explain why and suggest something better. The point is, I wan't a very sharp 1080p experience.
Looks and ports don't matter.

TLDR: Monitor that displays 1080p crisp clear with as accurate as possible colors + a bonus would be if you could "game" on it (Low response time and standard(60hz) or higher(144Hz) refresh rate). I don't care about looks and ports.
A lot more info is needed. System specs at least. In addition, what games you play. 21.5 is a tiny monitor, if you enjoy watching movies from more than a foot away, you want something bigger. 24" is the minimum most people game and watch on.


In short 16Gb/GTX1070/6700k. The reason why 21.5 is that 1080p resolution "apparently" according to info found online has the in pixel terms the "highest dpi"(meaning, that if your close to the monitor @21.5ch is it harder to spot pixels than on say 24 inch) and this 21.5 inch perfect for 1080p resolution thing could be very wrong, that's why I'm seeking for an answer here.