Need help fixing PC


Jan 14, 2018
My rig is a Intel i5-6600k CPU @ 3.50GHz
Nvidia 1080TI graphics card
64 bit system

Earlier I tried installing a program to over clock my CPU and after rebooting it wouldn't boot up. So I clicked system restore.

Now when I play games my performance is terrible. I used to get 110ish frames on Rainbow Six Siege and now I get barely 40.

How can I get my old performance back?
Did you install the nVidia driver?

What overclocking program? Best to do it in the bios manually.

Windows could be eating cycles doing updates.

Did any bloatware get installed with the restore that needs to be uninstalled?

Edit: probably need to enter bios and restore defaults.
How do I check these things J_E_D?

I have Firestorm for overclocking my GPU and my Nvidia drivers are up to date
edit :My CPU usage is typically 25-50% when nothing else besides chrome is running.

I have 3 processes that are always there and I don't know what they are. They are always suspended.
When attempting to run Rainbow Six Siege my usage is around 100% to 105%
My BIOS has no option to reset to defaults. I cannot find it. It's some MSI pro series thing and there isn't an option to reboot.

Edit: I removed the CMOS battery for a bit and that restored my bios settings. What else should I do?