Hello there I am seeking out advice for a new gaming build for a friend that isn't very good with computers. Budget is of $400-500, no more than $500.
Approximate purchase date: Sometime between July and August.
Budget: $400-500 no more than $550 definitely no where above $600 (before stupid rebates and after shipping and taxes.) The less cost the better.
System usage: Gaming (Far Cry, Garry's Mod, Steam Games, Arma, Battlefield, Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto IV or V.) Usual things (Internet, email, browsing, YouTube.)
Buying Monitor: No
Parts to upgrade: Haven't built anything to upgrade yet (fresh start.)
Need to buy an OS: Yes, Windows 7 is preferred not Windows 8.
Preferred site: Amazon.com
Location: Houston, TX United States
Parts preference: None really just good brands that are well known and dependable.
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or XFire: No
Monitor resolution: 720p probably 1366 x 768p not sure but that would be my guess, definitely 720p though.
Additional Comments: Just a good starting out enough to play games well PC that's all, no need for full 60fps on ultra settings with advanced controls and stuff. Basic cooling system, maybe overclocking if possible, nothing too advanced. Just helping a friend to build a good enough gaming pc for around $400-500. Friend isn't very experienced with computers and knowledge of computer parts.
Why are you upgrading?: Friend wanted a pc to play games at decent settings on a 720p tv. Replacing an old weak laptop.
Approximate purchase date: Sometime between July and August.
Budget: $400-500 no more than $550 definitely no where above $600 (before stupid rebates and after shipping and taxes.) The less cost the better.
System usage: Gaming (Far Cry, Garry's Mod, Steam Games, Arma, Battlefield, Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto IV or V.) Usual things (Internet, email, browsing, YouTube.)
Buying Monitor: No
Parts to upgrade: Haven't built anything to upgrade yet (fresh start.)
Need to buy an OS: Yes, Windows 7 is preferred not Windows 8.
Preferred site: Amazon.com
Location: Houston, TX United States
Parts preference: None really just good brands that are well known and dependable.
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or XFire: No
Monitor resolution: 720p probably 1366 x 768p not sure but that would be my guess, definitely 720p though.
Additional Comments: Just a good starting out enough to play games well PC that's all, no need for full 60fps on ultra settings with advanced controls and stuff. Basic cooling system, maybe overclocking if possible, nothing too advanced. Just helping a friend to build a good enough gaming pc for around $400-500. Friend isn't very experienced with computers and knowledge of computer parts.
Why are you upgrading?: Friend wanted a pc to play games at decent settings on a 720p tv. Replacing an old weak laptop.