Hello there I need help! Recently I just picked up a gtx 1060 like two weeks ago and the first week been great till the second week I started encountering issues. The first issue I encounter was GPU crash. The way it started was the first week I was able to play all my games fine on ultra settings and was able to stream fine on ultra settings, got the card around April 28, and the issue started on May, 4 and started with Black screen. I decided to play PUBG and after I got off the game, my monitor went black and had to reboot to get it back to normal. My GPU crashed about 6 times playing or even attempting to open PUBG. We found out it was just a bad rail weaking on the southbridge and ended up using another rail. This fixed the problem and started working again.
After that issue was solved, I started encountering another problem afterwards. When I attempt to not stream on OBS, my GPU is fantastic, now when attempting to stream on OBS it goes to hell. I start lagging completely and stuttering when OBS is open or attempt to start streaming. Let me tell u last week, it wasnt even doing this. I need to know what to do now and how to get the pc back up and running. Here is the info of my pc and logs for OBS:
CPUZ: https://valid.x86.fr/xnvny8
OBS: Logs https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1569255685249faa49b2e20bddd55e5c
PC Hardware:
Tower: X-Titan Black Mid Tower
MotherBoard: Z87-K Asus
Graphic Card: MSI GTX 1060 X 6G
Ram: 16GB(2x8GB) HyperX Fury DDR3
CPU: Intel Core i7-4770k
liquid Cooler: Corsair H55 Series
HDD: 1TB Toshiba and 1TB WD
PSU: Apevia ATX-900W
Currently Dual Monitoring using iGPU: Main Monitor on GPU 2nd monitor on Motherboard.
When GPU and CPU when idle:
When Gaming on CS:GO:
When OBS is open while CS:GO open:
This has been a pain lately struggling attempting to stream knowing your going to lagg really hard, attempting to change ingame settings doesn't work fully as well, just gets worse.
After that issue was solved, I started encountering another problem afterwards. When I attempt to not stream on OBS, my GPU is fantastic, now when attempting to stream on OBS it goes to hell. I start lagging completely and stuttering when OBS is open or attempt to start streaming. Let me tell u last week, it wasnt even doing this. I need to know what to do now and how to get the pc back up and running. Here is the info of my pc and logs for OBS:
CPUZ: https://valid.x86.fr/xnvny8
OBS: Logs https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1569255685249faa49b2e20bddd55e5c
PC Hardware:
Tower: X-Titan Black Mid Tower
MotherBoard: Z87-K Asus
Graphic Card: MSI GTX 1060 X 6G
Ram: 16GB(2x8GB) HyperX Fury DDR3
CPU: Intel Core i7-4770k
liquid Cooler: Corsair H55 Series
HDD: 1TB Toshiba and 1TB WD
PSU: Apevia ATX-900W
Currently Dual Monitoring using iGPU: Main Monitor on GPU 2nd monitor on Motherboard.
When GPU and CPU when idle:
When Gaming on CS:GO:
When OBS is open while CS:GO open:
This has been a pain lately struggling attempting to stream knowing your going to lagg really hard, attempting to change ingame settings doesn't work fully as well, just gets worse.