Need help getting a bestbuy/circuit city job.


Sep 9, 2006
Hello, i applied for Bestbuy and circuit city last Tuesday, anyone have any tips for getting the job? My application looks top notch. Yeah i think circuit city is in need of more employees. Any help/info is welcome.
Personal appearance is important. Dress appropriately, not a suit and tie but a clean shirt and regular pair of pants - not jeans. Get a haircut if you need one. Don't make a statement with your appearance. Talk about what you bring to the job, e.g., people skills, get along with people, some knowledge, answer the questions they ask not what you think their asking, Listen. Be yourself not what you think they want you to be, easy to see through this. Be relaxed, not easy but important. Remember you're selling yourself. Let them know you'll take what ever job they have, e.g. you may want to sell computers but all they have open is cameras take it if you want to work form them. Same with hours unless you're in school, which takes priority. Tell them your preference but be open. Be honest, don't BS, it's easy to see through this, e.g., have you ever taken anything that wasn't yours? Yes, when I was in the 7th grade I swiped a doobie from the kid sitting next to be (maybe candy would be better?) Try to say everything positively. Try to never use negative works, be positive. Look good, be positive and pleasant, and again be yourself and try to be relaxed. They'll say they'll call. As soon as you get home send a thank you note. You enjoyed meeting them, you'd really like to work for them, and thank them for their time. If you don't hear from them call them the 3rd day and ask if they made a decision. Then call back evry 3 -4 days. Remember a big part of the hiring decision is whether you the kind person they want to be around. Good Luck
answer those questions they ask you uniformly even if they ask you the same 5 questions 10 times each in different ways.

i cant remember what that system is called.. im totally against how companies like best buy and circuit city and other big corperations employ services like that to weed out applicants... i believe that should still be the job of a human.

you can have some complete dimwit somehow score good on the questions and hire him over somebody w\ 10 times the experience and skills just because that person fines lenthy questionairres to be pointless.
That is so true I went to Best Buy for a job fair and they said they could not give me a interview because i failed the stupid questionnaire test which only because alot of those questions were asking about high school and i did not go because i was home schooled so i answered some of them with a negative response otherwise i would be lieing and i live in a whole other town from the the best buy so i drove many miles for nothing just for them to say i failed the questionnaire test.