Need help identifying crash cause


Oct 31, 2015
I'm getting blue screens at very random intervals, sometimes several in the span of a few days sometimes several in a single day, I don't know the cause. Happens in many different games, but I remember Hearthstone, Rainbow Six: Siege and Battlefield 1, I think it has happened while browsing in Google Chrome too. Here's what I've tried
Memtest86, had it for a night. No issues
Mouse Drivers
Audio Drivers
BIOS Flash
Graphics Drivers
Keyboard Drivers
Chipset Drivers
Windows Memory Diagnostics
Updated Windows
Updated every driver in the device manager
Sfc scannow and restorehealth
Tried my memory with and without XMP Profile, same problem
Obviously scanned for viruses with Windows Defender and malware with Malwarebytes, both full system scans.
Scanned HDD and SSD in Windows for errors.

The dump files doesn't make much sense to me, I've tried looking at them in BlueScreenView but no help there.

Here are the dumps

And here is a CPUID scan thingy, my MSinfo32 is in Swedish and that might be a little confusing.

The things that I updated hardware-wise in my computer prior to the incident was I got a new SSD and a fresh install of Windows, I also got my new RAM, but memtest ran fine so I guess that wasn't the issue.


I used both Memtest and the Windows one, both came out clean. I also don't have ASUS AI Suite installed and Windows is set to update regularly.

I don't remember if the SSD came with an installation disc or anything, and at my computer manufacturer there's only this on the SATA page

And by video driver you mean graphics driver? As in the one you can update through Geforce Experience if you have a Nvidia card? Cause in that case I've done that
Yup. I wouldnt use the Nvidia drivers even if theyre the latest version. Seems a lot of people get them, and crash too

Theyre worse than earlier versions. Whatever the brand is of the GPU install the drivers off that site. And dont install Geforce experience whatever its called. All you need are the drivers and HDMI audio drivers


By brand of GPU do you mean like how there can be a MSI GTX 970 and ASUS Strix GTX 970, so if I have the ASUS one I should get the drivers from their website? Or do you just mean to download the drivers of Nvidias site instead of Geforce Experience?