Need help in making half of a PC


Feb 1, 2017
Ive the case wich is UATX
Ive GTX 760
I need mother board
And Hard
Im limited to 200-300 Euros
Doesnt have to be amazing, Just needs to run some games fast, Like Tiger Knight Empire War, Archeage, Guildwars 2.
Ive got these suggestions and then put my GTX 760 in one of the two at the bottom, Ofcourse going to pay their price

I would build it myself. The 860 is old and worse than a modern i5 for gaming. If you really want to buy used, you could get an i5 4460 and a cheap h81 mainboard (you also would need DDR3 ram), but those 50-70 bucks aren't worth the additional risk if you ask me but it's your choice.

Thanks for the answer, Tho, I dont mind using Used products if it would lower the price of the proccessor, if you could help me out with that, or just point me out as to what kinds of Proccessors i should be looking at.


I would build it myself. The 860 is old and worse than a modern i5 for gaming. If you really want to buy used, you could get an i5 4460 and a cheap h81 mainboard (you also would need DDR3 ram), but those 50-70 bucks aren't worth the additional risk if you ask me but it's your choice.

I apreciate your time and thanks for the advice :)