Need help installing graphics card on Zoostorm PC


Jun 27, 2014
i have a Zoostorm PC and I can't seem to install the graphics card I have. I am running an Intel(R) core(TM) i5 CPU and 8gb of RAMM. i believe there are onboard graphics running

Install gpuz, then post a picture of it running.

What do you mean by you can't install the graphics card? Explain exactly what you are trying to do.


I tried to install the graphics card before. Put it into the PCI port and there was no picture when I booted the PC up. Also what is the programme I need to download ?

Run gpuz, press the "print screen" button on your keyboard. Open microsoft paint.

Hit paste (control+v). Crop the photo down to just show gpuz.

Save the pic as jpeg or gif file, and upload it to tinypic.

Make a new post, and use the url tinypic gave you when you uploaded the picture to their website to host.

Ok couple of steps:

Uninstall all graphics drivers.

Turn off pc. Make sure all proper power connectors are attached to the card and it is seated properly in the slot..
Hook up your monitor to your graphics card.

Turn pc on, go into BIOS. Disable built in graphics, set primary display to your discreet: PEG, or PCI express.


You should now boot into windows, install the drivers.



Go into control panel, then choose uninstall a program.

it should be called something like "intel HD graphics"

Uninstall it, and turn off computer after its done.

BEFORE you do this, make sure you have downloaded the newest drivers for your graphics card.

Do you know the name of your graphics card?