[Need Help] Intel I7 4790K Running Around 100C


Nov 23, 2015
Hey guys, so as the title says my i7 recently started running really hot and I have no clue why. I built the PC a year ago and it worked great up until the other day. Today, I cleaned it out and everything but still no change. I am running an H100i cooling system as well which is reporting around 80C for its temp. I have not overclocked it and this is all at idle.

Let me know if you have any suggestions. I have ran both HWMonitor and Corsair Link and both are telling me the same thing. As for all other pieces of hardware, they are at normal temperatures, all around 30C. Air flow is good inside as well, and I even have the side plate off of the case right now, but no change.

Check to make sure that the H100i is still working. The 3-pin cable you plug in for it reports the pump speed to your motherboard, so you can either check in BIOS or HWMonitor and Corsair Link to see if you are still getting a speed reading for that. Also try a simple ear check to see if you can actually hear the pump working and the fluid moving. If not, then the cooler may have gone belly up and it'll be time to RMA or replace it.
Hello... 1) Your mounting could need to be tighter... idle should be 30-40C.
2) Is your reservoir Water feel that cool... then your pump needs more flow/speed.
3) Check for Kinked lines.
4) Thermal paste needs to be moist for best thermal transfer... I would get some Local store stock and replace.

Corsair Link and HWMonitor arent recognizing about half of my hardware (i7 Temp, load%, pump), so Ill have to check my cables, I just tried to move the 3-pin to a different place. H100i pump reads 0 RPM, im guessing I plugged it in wrong. Temp has come down to around 70C now. Does not sound like the pump is moving though.

Thanks for the response!

One reservoir is cool, the other is noticeably warm near the i7.

Just checked and it is fully connected. Accidentally put the cable in the wrong header so I just fixed it back to the CPU fan header, but no change. Pump sounds like it is running and is now reported at running around 2300 RPM, max speeds on corsair link, but one reservoir is still extremely hot and the other is still cold. Pump does sound like it is working though and I can feel vibration on it now.