Need help. Issue with Radeon HD 7970 screen flickering


Sep 12, 2010
Hi all. I have had this radeon for a few years and it worked fine in my old build. I just built a new PC 2 weeks ago and it is working well, but i'm having 2 issues with it. FYI my build is:
intel 7700k
ASRock Extreme4
16GB ram
Radeon HD 7970
Windows 10

The one I'm seeking help for here is that I noticed a consistent screen flickering when ever I play videos full screen. This also applies to video games. It will randomly flicker blue and/or orange for a split second and then be fine. Its more of an annoyance but I wonder if its also causing other in game issues. Lets stick to this for now. Here are two videos i filmed with my phone to show what is going on.
On this one, you can clearly see flickering shortly after i enter or exit full screen mode:

In games the flicker happens randomly, but i can replicate it any time i turn my volume up or down. you can see the volume meter in the upper left when i change it or whenever the meter goes away.

Clearly this shouldnt happen, and never did before and I really hope someone can help me to fix this error. Thanks a bunch in advance for reading this and helping me out if you can.
I will but I dont see how in the span of a week to have such an odd coincidence that it would start to fail with a new build. Plus, wouldn't i get flickering all the time and not just with full screen video? There's no flicker at all when i use other programs or adjust volume when using my PC regularly unless i am in a game or full screen youtube video. There has to be another reason.
i checked the cables, unplugged and replugged to make sure they are in solidly. there was a windows update for me today so i installed that too. the flicker now does not happen within youtube fullscreen videos, but still happens in video games.