Hello I am a first time builder and I just got done putting all the parts together in my pc then went to go test it and the motherboard showed AE which is the legacy boot for it but the monitor kept saying no connection or no cable connected I have tried two hdmi's, two monitors, took out one of my two ram sticks, and have reset many of times. I cant figure out what the problem is, please help.
My motherboard: https://m.newegg.com/products/9SIA2W04MC6553
My monitors: https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16824014377?cm_re=benq_gl2460hm-_-24-014-377-_-Product
My motherboard: https://m.newegg.com/products/9SIA2W04MC6553
My monitors: https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16824014377?cm_re=benq_gl2460hm-_-24-014-377-_-Product