Need Help, Motherboard Pump Connectivity


Nov 10, 2015
Hello, I'm building a system with 3 seperate loops, and therefore I need three pumps, I'm using EK D5 pumps which are rated at 23W 12V.


Now here is where I'm confused, on the motherboard I'm planning on using it has six Sys Fan Headers in total and it states that all fan headers support high current 24W fans at 12V 2A, but then it also states that two of these six Sys Fan Headers have support for 24W water pumps.

This is the link for the motherboard:

I guess what I'm asking is, can I use a regular Sys Fan Header for my third pump?

And on another note, what would the difference between a 24W fan and a 24W pump be? Wouldn't they have the same power draw?

Anyone help would be insanely appreciated. Thank you.

I always buy the non PWM version to save the worry, comes with a molex connector that you just plug into a molex cable from your PSU and a blue 3 pin RPM sensor wire that you connect to the header so you can monitor the pump speed.

See the picture here:

Id be surprised if your PWM headers are 2amps, they are usually 1amp, with maybe 1 x high amp header which will be a 2amp one.