Need Help OC'ing AMD Phenom II x4 940


Apr 27, 2013
Having trouble over-clocking my cpu. Just as a test I simply bump up the multipler up to 15.5. in the AMD overdrive. Then I run prime and instant crash. I've gone through and disabled all energy saver and cool n quite in the bios. Any help would be great. I'm just trying to bump this cpu up to make it a few more months of decent gaming before my next build.

CPU - AMD Phenom II x4 940 BE
RAM - 2xCORSAIR XMS2 2GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)
2xKingston 1GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)
Graphics - ATI Radeon HD 5830

and a older Antec 550w PSU.

thanks for any help.

I also have the coolmaster 212 evo cooler.

I've tried uping the vcore and it will pass a quick stability test in AMD overdrive. but just fail into reboot the second i start prime
reset your OC , remove 2x1GB kingstone .. try use dualstick first for stability and succes OC , use Bios will more safe than AOD .. you can try use Bios 😀

and this all your mobo :,2161-9.html

BIOS settings for 3.6Ghz Prime95 stable:
you need try at this use manual voltage and 70c is dangerously hot for X4 940. 62c is the max safe temperature.
CPU-Voltage: set manual voltage and raise little at proccessor voltage to 1.42v - 1.46v, set multi at 18 x 200
will get 3.7ghz ,
other setting ... can try CPU FSB: 200 (default), CPU-NB Multi: 11 (makes NB 2200mhz), CPU-NB Voltage: 1.35

if your system can boot and life .. let it on 1 hours just try play game or browsing .min a hour, if in 1 hour no problem /get BSOD it mean your system ready run prime95 ... keep eyes at temp don't over 60C also see prime massage ... hope can read nad translate my language and good luck