Need help on parts to get for my computer! please help!!


Feb 17, 2013
Hello all, I am planning to upgrade my computer with a 200-300 dollar budget. Here is the issue, I cannot afford a new MOBO, GPU, CPU, and Ram all at the same time and will far exceed the 200 - 300 dollar budget (unless u can recommend me to cheap ones). But what do you suggest I do? Here are the specs for my current pc

Nvidia 9800 gt
4 GB ram
Pentium (R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60 GHz
Socket 775LGA
Bios: American Megatrend Inc. V2.5
Model: p43 Neo3 (MS-7514)

Do you guys think i should buy a new MOBO and CPU? The issue is that if i upgrade my MOBO and CPU... then my 9800 gt will bottleneck?? im not sure. Please help 🙁 🙁

i think you should get the 7770. Basically for bottleneck on that cpu its safe to go with 6xxx radeon series, but those are now hard to come accross and some are just too expensive (like the higher end 6xxx) and others like ... 6770 are around 90$ and you find yourself paying 10~15$ more for a higher tier card. why not?

Overclocking is easier than you think, it just looks like a big mess at first when you look at settings. Best thing is try find a guide on your cpu/motherboard and print it out. then its very easy (you dont have to go all out on the overclock...
If your a budget gamer then go for the AMD APU platform. They offer incredible gaming performance for on board chips. Get a 5800K, a ASrock FM2A75M-DGS motherboard, and some FAST ram. Something like 1866 or above because the way the APU is built relies on your system memory. The faster your memory the faster you gaming performance. (1866 should be good though). What PSU are you using?

If you don't want to go APU, I suggest upgrading your GPU first. Upgrade to something like a 7850 and then when you have saved up enough, grab a modern CPU.
I think you should go on ebay (make sure to buy from someone with good reviews) and buy a CPU for LGA 775 like a q6600 then after you get that piece, you should get yourself a half decent cooler like.. evo 212 (30$) ~~~~ OVERCLOCK 3.0Ghz

after this, you buy yourself a new 7850 gpu and you are good to go on gaming!

this will work out in the end to maybe ... 250~300$ depending on how low you will pay for the CPU

if you dont want to go too crazy... i still recommend the CPU upgrade from ebay q6600 and maybe just a 7770 radeon (this would be under 200$) doesnt hurt still throw in a CPU cooler and do some low overclock just to give a bit of boost, afterall we are working here with an older system.

Hey sir! thanks for the suggestion. This was exactly what i was thinking. A q6600 and a 7750. I see this one on ebay for $68. Does this seem legit to you?

Also it says it is an used item. Do you think this should be a concern? should i go for new ones?

that dont look so bad, and supposedly 30day guarantee w/e that may include. did you look around at other prices? or are you just looking at "buy now" offers?

a new one will run you 120$+ you might as well just get a phenom x4 965 with a 60$ motherboard and screw the q6600

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($99.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2P Micro ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($54.99 @ Canada Computers)
Memory: Patriot Gamer 2 Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($40.50 @ Vuugo)
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7850 1GB Video Card ($168.03 @ DirectCanada)
Total: $363.51
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-02-19 21:04 EST-0500)


astetic point of view...

this looks clean (there are some that actually look kinda nasty)

this guy has 100% feedback (which is nice)


so you are looking about 70$ for CPU (used is okay, i mean if it works, you are looking for easy upgrade i think its ok)

about 180$ for gpu
and cooler 30$ seems good


maybe it would be worth it more to go for a new upgrade overall ? with the parts i listed over top

Thank you so much for the response! I've thought about it and i think i am going to purchase

with a 30 dollar cooler like u suggested

and for GPU,

Total: $215

U think this will be a good combo?? any bottlenecking going on?
here is a 7770 Ghz edition for 100$ after rebate (this vuugo site is new to me but has good price)

even with a 7850 radeon you will not bottleneck (or maybe slight bottleneck) IF you overclock the cpu to maybe around 3.0~3.4would be awesome.

the 7770 is good but 7850 will do about 50% better thats why i was suggesting it, but in your case the difference will be huge with these upgrades.

unfortunately something just dawned on me.... whats the wattage of your psu?

I have a 750w power supply so i dont think it should be a problem. Also.. i dont plan on overclocking my q6600. Would that create bottleneck for my 7770?
i think since you are crossing into the 7xxx series it will bottleneck. but you are going only for a 7770 it wont be a dramatic bottleneck. #1 see a huge performance increase with new CPU and Videocard.

but easily attainable a 3.0Ghz overclock on that CPU i would recommend. The overclock on CPU will help with FPS on games and it will allow your graphics card to work better. (ive seen posts with people overclocking this cpu to 3.9Ghz so I think 3.0 is not pushing it too much. just enough to level it out with your new GPU)

Interesting. As of now, i dont plan on overclocking because i simply have no clue about it. Which video card do u think will not bottleneck if i dont plan i overclocking?

i think you should get the 7770. Basically for bottleneck on that cpu its safe to go with 6xxx radeon series, but those are now hard to come accross and some are just too expensive (like the higher end 6xxx) and others like ... 6770 are around 90$ and you find yourself paying 10~15$ more for a higher tier card. why not?

Overclocking is easier than you think, it just looks like a big mess at first when you look at settings. Best thing is try find a guide on your cpu/motherboard and print it out. then its very easy (you dont have to go all out on the overclock either, just cpu and maybe tighten up ram timings)

Thank you so much for you assistance sir. I dont know what i'd do without u techies our there :)