Need help: Pc not restarting every time. CPU error light, probably due to wrong OC settings.


Jul 16, 2017

I currently have my new rig up and running perfectly, but I do have some startup problems. When restarting it, or turning it back on from shutdown, it most of the time wont get back on, without trying to restart many times. Never had a crash or shutdown on it, even on stress testing, so OC seems fine. I just need to fix these startup problems. The red error light shows for VGA on Status LEDs when PC wont restart.

Here is the rig build:

Base/Standard settings:
(All values are in idle state/from Bios readings)
CPU: Ryzen 1600x @ 3600 MHz / Temp. 32 Celcius / 1.3 volt
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LED 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200MHz @ Freq. 2133 MHz / 1.2 Volt

Target: To get as high as possible with the OC, at the same time getting as much life out of the components as possible. Meaning I will not OC where values are at a level that I will deterioate my components more than they would with factory standards.

Current working OC (stress tested and been running fine for long, no crashes):

CPU OC: @ 3900 MHz / Temp. 36 Celcius / 1.392 volt (Vcore:-0,030V / SOC:+0,096V)
Memory OC: @ Freq. 2953 MHz / 1.310 Volt

Here are pictures from Bios Settings with the OC values:





Tests by memory manufacter:
Tested Voltage 1.35V
Tested Speed 3200MHz
Tested Latency 16-18-18-36

Can someone please try to help me with what might fix the startup problems.

Aswell why can't I seem to get to 3200 MHz on my memory on my Gigabyte AX370 Gaming K5 Motherboard, latest F3 Version?
I use the exact values from the manufactor tests in my bios, both voltage and latency in both Channel A and B (same values in both).

Thanks alot for your time and help :)

Yeah I gotcha.

Try this site. Others that have similar equipment pool into benchmarks. It often mentions what their settings are so you have an idea of how far you can OC. (max speed applied etc...) Might also help you get an idea on where to start off.

The best advise I or anyone can give you. Is read a few OC guides and start off slow.

I personally would do the following.

Push the system to max (in small increments) using stock voltage and settings. Simply slowly push up the OC on it until the OC becomes unstable. Then back it down until you find a stable point. Should be able to run benchmarks and reboot without problems to indicate a stable OC on stock volts and frequencies.

I'd then start playing with volts...
Sounds like an unstable OC. Even through it is passing stress tests, it may be pushing something else like stock voltage to its max and causing issues.

Have you tried to apply a very mild OC instead of putting it to the max with factory voltages? Do you have any issues booting in a mild OC? (I'm assuming it works fine with no OC at all correct?).

Also, you may want to look into OCing with an XMP profile. I would disable all your OCs, enabled XMP profile to OC your memory. It will also mildly OC the CPU. Test reboots with this option instead.
It is always starting with normal settings, no OC applied, yes, sorry for not mentioning this.

It's some time since I applied and figured out this OC and the values.
What concrete steps and settings do I need to set?
I can reset to a profile, where everything is put to standard, apply that profile, and apply XMP profile?
So, I set everyting to standard, and applied a XMP profile, picture below:


This did NOT work, PC wouldt even turn on and get me to BIOS.

Id rather set up all numbers correctly, like I did with the OC that worked earlier, only having restarts working too. Should maybe just alter some voltage settings to make it work, or lower the CPU OC multiplyer down a little bit. Could someone please provide the exact steps or values I should try changing?

I am now running on standard settings until someone can lay out some settings I should alter.
The pictures in the 1st post will give you full overview of the settings in my BIOS.
No one can give you the exact numbers to use for your OC. Even with someone else using the exact same hardware.

All hardware is not the same. If someone else won the lotto and has a better chip then you do. They will be able to overclock higher then you can and visa versa.

Overclocking an in art. You need to test the settings for yourself that works with your exact system to find your limits and perform a stable OCs.

If XMP isn't working for you then, there is most likely a component such as memory causing the issues. It may not have an XMP profile for your memory or it just doesn't like the values for your exact memory. Try another profile.

You can start here:

There is also some websites you can go to and look up your hardware to compare results with others who have OC'ed as well. You can use their settings as an idea of where to start off with your OC values. (you'll have to google for the site, I don't have it on hand).
Thank you again for a good relpy!
For starters I already know I cant apply the same values, or get exact numbers from others. But I would like to be helped out to what values I can start off by trying to change/alter to maybe get a restartable OC.

Like should I alter the multiplyer, should I alter CPU VCORE voltage, DRAM voltage and so on? What might I try to alter first and so on.
Yeah I gotcha.

Try this site. Others that have similar equipment pool into benchmarks. It often mentions what their settings are so you have an idea of how far you can OC. (max speed applied etc...) Might also help you get an idea on where to start off.

The best advise I or anyone can give you. Is read a few OC guides and start off slow.

I personally would do the following.

Push the system to max (in small increments) using stock voltage and settings. Simply slowly push up the OC on it until the OC becomes unstable. Then back it down until you find a stable point. Should be able to run benchmarks and reboot without problems to indicate a stable OC on stock volts and frequencies.

I'd then start playing with volts and frequencies (in very minimal increments) to see how far I can push my system. Every incremental push on the OC. I would stop and run benchmarks and tests to ensure it is stable before pushing it again.

Things to be careful about is pushing your volts to far for your equipment. Make sure to look at the link I provided plus google for others to find out what the max volts recommended is for your equipment and do not surpass that!

Also be careful as added OC and volt also increase heat. So make sure to be monitoring heat while you are apply OC.

This is pretty safe since newer machine often have sensors to force shut down a PC if the OC or heat becomes to much. However, it is always better for the hardware if you catch it before it even reaches that point. You can use tools like HWMonitor or MSI Afterburner etc... to monitor temps.

There are multiple ways to OC. XMP, manual OC and even some boards have prefined OC templates (outside of XMP).

This is why reading about OC Guides and your equipment directly is important when OCing.

I wish I could offer you a better starting point but honestly, unless I was sitting infront of your PC doing the OCing myself. I can't give you any numbers to use directly. That comes from experience and based on your exact hardware.