Need help picking ram for new build. And opinions what I've chosen.


Oct 2, 2015
So what I'm getting is the rog z170 deluxe mother board with a i7-6700k cpu, msi GeForce gtx 970, land rm850i. I was wondering what is the best ram and what I should need if I'm not planning on over clocking but I want to play games on high res and still have good fps, 60+, and what is a good cpu cooler out that isn't to expensive, roughly $150 usd max.
I would cut a lot off the price of that motherboard and the power supply you need nothing near 850 watts and put the savings into the actual gaming performance like a GTX 980
Their not really best memory.
These would work just fine one of the best air coolers made, make sure it will fit in your case.
Without overclocking or just a mild overclock this cooler would work fine.,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
EXAMPLE I would get better gaming performance with this for the same price or less.

Is their any tutorials to doing this? Sorry i'm not the most at optimizing stuff.

There's tons of tutorials for most any game out there. You might even be able to figure it out by yourself, it's pretty easy. Take minecraft for example. If you go to edit profile in the launcher, there's a RAM allocation setting.

Their no games that need 8GB of memory, go into any game you wish to play and open task manager and see for yourself, 16GB of memory is not needed for anything gamming wise but can be helpful for editing and since the price is low their really no reason not to go ahead and get 16GB.