Need help Restoring Monitors

James Fullard

Feb 8, 2014
ok so I am stupid lol

I have been trying to hook 2 monitors up GTX 980 TI Monitor #1 with the main cable, and #2 with an HDMI. I am good to go running 1 Monitor with it plugged in normally but #2 using the HDMI cable would not get picked up by the PC, so I went into my Display Settings section using win7 and went to tinkering with settings. I am not 100% sure what the option said but it was something along the lines of show toolbar or some such thing (I can't remember) only on Monitor 1 or something? (I did this screw up down in the section where it has portrait and landscape etc etc selections) When I clicked that, my #1 monitor lost connection with the PC, so now both monitors are not picking up and I cannot access either monitor to change what I screwed up back.

I go back to 1 LCD and it works fine but I can't access the option I clicked that changed both monitors because monitor #2 isn't hooked up (as I said I can hook #2 back up and both screens go blank again showing no signal)

Hope this makes sense sorry if this is confusing, I am not sure what I did lol Can anyone help?
Here, watch this. Maybe this explains my problem better. And again, I am not an expert at this like you guys are so humor me please.
Maybe this is just a simple fix that I am just not seeing. I have no idea, this is why i come here to you guys.

PS: oh and the win/P thing does not work when both my monitors do not have signals. I even did a system restore to try to reset it, that didnt work. I rebooted the machine and everything looked fine booting up on monitor 1 until it went to try to show my desktop then it lost signal again.