need help selecting a motherboard for 3 graphics cards in crossfire


Sep 20, 2008
I was wondering if anyone know of a good motherboard that will give me at the very least 16x pcie one first card and 8x pcie on the second two cards.

3 graphics cards altogether. It would be great If I could find 16x 16x 8x

when doing triple crossfire do I need a 201 socket for the extra pcie lanes? whats the best config I could get with a 1150 socket

hope that aint to confusing

A few have x16, which is what I believe the lanes are for the ASUS ROG boards. I'd say those are your best bet man.
Ok, the best boards for heavy SLi are the ASUS "Republic of Gamers" boards. They look nice and have extraordinarily advanced technology for basically everything you need. Basically, it's the top. But they are expensive, but it seems money is no object to you! lol If I helped you mark this as best answer so others know where to look too! 🙂
well I was wondering about diminishing returns like some chipsets or most use 8x/4x/4x what if I where to get a socket 2011 wich has more pcie lanes would that alleviate the diminishing returns by getting 8x/8x/8x for tri crossfire

A few have x16, which is what I believe the lanes are for the ASUS ROG boards. I'd say those are your best bet man.