Need help: Strange problem regarding PSU or GPU


Mar 14, 2015
So i woke up this morning to both my monitors being blank/no signal. After cracking open the case i found that with everything unplugged but the power, everything appears to run normal. I got one monitor to work fine, some system glitches (like the occasional pause while typing as if the system froze then caught up) but other than that it works. I have yet to try any kind of game for fear it will completely fuck me over and break everything else. Now the wierd part: As soon as i plug in the second monitor, the entire GPU just shuts down and both monitors go blank. The fans stop running but the lights on the card are still there. Does this mean my PSU is failing? Or my GPU is going bad? I should also add that my PSU is well over 5 years old and my graphics card is around 4 months.
Mobo does NOT have integrated graphics.
Displays have occasionally frozen, Lost signal, then restarted however this was also a problem with my old GPU. (R9 270)
My system also occasionally gets bouts of 100% disk usage but i think this is a common windows 10 problem

I really appreciate the help and let me know if i can answer anything to help you guys figure this mess out! Thanks so much,
So monitor 1 works in all ports, moniotor 2 does not work at all in any port, computer crashes when 1 and 2 are plugged in together.

Sounds like either monitor 2 is bad or the cable going to it.
Just a note, GPU link is 404

When PC is not in game, connecting 2nd monitor is not increasing GPU power usage by any real margin, so I don't think it to be PSU problem. Maybe there's a shortage in GPU port used to connect 2nd monitor, or in the cable itself. Check different port/cable first.
Your PSU is a good quality unit so it is unlikely (not unheard of but unlikely) that it is the issue.

Have you tried booting with just the "second" monitor plugged in and then the 1st one.
If you get nothing with only the 2nd monitor then there is something bad in GPU for sure.

The second monitor does not work at all, only my primary one. It does however work in all of my GPU's HDMI ports so i don't think it's a bad GPU...