Need help throttling my GPU


Dec 25, 2015
I made a mistake by putting a GTX 970 into my Alienware x51 R2 which only has a 330 watt power brick instead of an actual power supply. Now I have to throttle the power using MSI Afterburner but MSI Afterburner only updates the signal about every 10th of a second. I have it set to 70% power but it regularly goes to 72% or 73% and sometimes it just goes way over and the PC shuts down.

I am planing on moving the parts to a new motherboard in a new case with a new PSU but for now I need an effective way of throttling the GPU. Is there some better program that wont let it go above 70% power consumption no matter what? Is there some way I can use the BIOS to force the graphics card into using no more than 70% power?

Any help is greatly appreciated as I couldn't much from my own searching.
I posted this in "Overclocking" because its kinda the same thing only backwards and I couldn't think of a closer category.

I cant with crappy alienware MoBo and I am going to move my parts onto a new MoBo later when I have some money but for now I'm looking for another solution.

If I under clocked it with MSI afterburner would that lead to a direct drop in power usage? Also, would it guarantee that my PC won't power trip anymore?
Yes, underclocking will directly lower power consumption somewhat. Underclocking will allow you to reduce the voltage, which will reduce power consumption more significantly. In theory, lowering the power target should have caused the card to automatically underclock itself to stay with power limits, but hopefully manually underclocking will get around the issue of the slow(er) response time of power limit.

Alright ill underclock it and see how it goes. In a few weeks it wont matter because hopefully ill have an actual PSU. 750 watts here i come!
Under clocking with MSI Afterburner finally fixed it but now I have a fancy new MoBo, case and an 850 watt power supply. (I paid for a 750 watt PSU but they accidentally gave me an 850. I ain't even mad)