Need help to boot a laptop


Oct 30, 2014
Hey guys im trying to repair my sister's laptop
here's the prolblem when she boot up her pc it stays on the opening screen ( where you see the company of the computer in this case my sister's pc is a toshiba satelite l855d so i see : toshiba leading innovation ) and theres no spinnig circles and the laptop doesnt boot up i dont why but the is been there for the past 5/6 months please i need some help i looked on google and none of the threads helped or even did something im a young technician im 15 and i want to learn more
Thanks in advance


yes it does i managed to open the computer like twice but the first time i disconnect the charger by accdent and it turned the pc off and second time i tryed to restart it to see if it would work normally i dont know how i manged to open it doe i just boot and shut down the pc ilke a 100 times

no the my mom bougth as a xmas gift and it wasnt new but it worked fine for like a year but if i get a window 8 cd will it work?

if its the hard drive at fault then no windows 8 wont load as it needs to install on the hard drive


im going to try to boot thepc to do a factory reset
thanks for the help bud!