Honestly, to reach you max of $600, you will need to drop the 770. I went with the ASUS version of the card in here because it was cheaper but you can get the msi version if you want. This build is really going to be the lowest you can go with that card. Bringing anything thing down will either bottleneck your GPU (even though I hate using that word, a pentium g3258 potentially can bottleneck your 770), leave you with too little power, not enough disk space, horrible quality, or overheating. By the way the ram is an extremely good deal and I would act on it now. A 280x would be a much better choice for your budget and you loose no performance. If you need to go down lower, get the 280 or 760. If you need to go lower than that get the 270. Lower than that and we are dropping the CPU for a dual core which will seriously affect you performance in some games. If you HAVE to get the 770 and HAVE to keep it under $600, the pentium g3258 can substitute for an i5 until you can save up for one.