Need help to find PC shooting game


Jul 5, 2014
The game is 1st/2nd person shooting game, military type, mostly within forest and hilly like area.
I have played it in 2008 (it seems that it was developed between 2000 - 2008).
Missions - in some specific base, Kill enemy, complete objective, destroy buildings/tanks, etc.
Graphics - Better than Operation flashpoint (Cold war). Like IGI 2.

In most missions other 2-4 military persons go with me. And i can switch among theme if i wish. I can hide within bushes (like IGI 2), if i got shot in leg then i won't be able to walk (i have to crawl then). I can drive Jeep, tanks.
The game is bit serious type (not much radio chats). Enemies are intelligent (they won't rush on you like IGI).

Above description sounds like Operation Flashpoint, but this is not among them.

Hoping to get some help from you guys.
No it wasn't Arma.
Actually it was Operation Flashpoint: Cold war itself which i have mentioned.
Oh, my bad. I had forgotten the stages of Flashpoint: Cold war.

Thanks for your suggestion.